Launch of International Dental Institute (IDI)’s e-learning system
Vortex Solution announces the launch of an e-learning system for our long-time client, the International Dental Institute (IDI), the largest dental continuing education center in Canada.
Over the years, Vortex Solution has overseen the company’s digital shift. The project was developed in phases and resulted in a complete site that includes, among other things, an intranet as well as a members-only area allowing them to access files online.
Given the current events, our client requested that we add an e-learning element to its site. We programmed all the modules of the online courses and linked them to the e-commerce module we had already implemented.
As a paper-free company, IDI conducts all its business through its intranet. Vortex Solution is proud to have contributed to the smooth running of its client’s operations and wishes them all the best in the future.
Visit to learn more about this Quebec-based company.